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The Changing World of Search Term Management

Brad Geddes

In the past two years, Google has changed how exact, phrase, and modified broad match work. These changes have caused a lot of problems for advertisers ranging from duplicate search terms, duplicate keywords, outdated organizational practices, and even the incorrect keywords and ad being displayed to searchers.

In this session, we’ll briefly look through the changes Google made. Then, we’ll get into how to evaluate your account so you can do all the diagnosis for yourself. Finally, we’ll look at the best fixes that you can put into place to ensure your conversions don’t suffer from these changes and that your account continues to be profitable.

Download the presentation here.

Brad Geddes


Brad Geddes has been involved in PPC since 1998. He is a co-founder of AdAlysis, a PPC recommendation engine. Brad is the author of Advanced Google AdWords, the most advanced book ever written about Google’s advertising program. Brad has worked with companies who manage tens of thousands of small PPC accounts and other companies who spend millions on marketing each month. His experience ranges from owning his own agency to managing a boutique agency, to overseeing programs that were official resellers of Google and Microsoft. Some brands he has worked with include Amazon, Yahoo, Thomson Reuters, Salesforce, Google, FindLaw, and the Washington Post. One of his trademarks has been demystifying the complicated aspects of SEM. Not one to hold secrets, Brad prefers to educate marketers on the various aspects of crafting successful marketing campaigns to ensure the success for all parties involved.

Unfortunately, we have decided not to organize a Belgian edition of Friends of Search in 2025. The 12th edition of Friends of Search we are organising in the Netherlands. Belgian visitors are of course more than welcome. Join us on March 13, 2025, in de Kromhouthal in Amsterdam.

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