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Advanced Ad Customization: Conditional Ads

Martin Röttgerding

Ad customizers are pretty cool, but somewhat hard to use. Especially due to the involvement of data feeds they remain a feature that is mostly used by advanced advertisers – but it doesn’t have to be. In this session, Martin will present an alternative approach that makes ad customization much more accessible. Instead of dealing with all aspects all the time, a one-time setup can be enough to never have to look at a data feed again. This is helpful for individual users, but especially powerful for bigger teams, where only one person needs to know the details. Along with the approach, you’ll also learn about advanced applications – up to ad customization based on the weather outside.

Download the presentation here.

Martin Röttgerding

Head of SEABloofusion Germany

Martin is Head of SEA at online marketing agency Bloofusion Germany. As a PPC geek, he loves to take things a bit further – by digging into the mechanisms of Google Ads, building tools, or doing cool things with data. He blogs regularly at the German Bloofusion Blog. In English, he blogs at, but only when he feels that something is advanced or exclusive enough to be worth sharing internationally. He is best known for his Google Shopping segmentation strategy, the Quality Score Tracker script, and his work on Customized Ads. Martin has spoken at numerous conferences over the years, including SMX, Marketing Festival, ADworld Experience and Heroconf. Next up: Friends of Search

Unfortunately, we have decided not to organize a Belgian edition of Friends of Search in 2025. The 12th edition of Friends of Search we are organising in the Netherlands. Belgian visitors are of course more than welcome. Join us on March 13, 2025, in de Kromhouthal in Amsterdam.

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