International speakersPrestigious award showThe latest insightsAnniversary edition in the Netherlands

From the customer who just wanted to buy

15:05 - 15:35

A humorous eye-opener takes you through the world of e-commerce and lands you in the digital shopping from hell. In this workshop you’ll learn the deadly sins of sales and aha experiences, what sales strategies look like that really work, how customers search and what marketing can adapt from sales. With brain, charm and method: a mix of professional digital sales, sales-based SEO, behavioral strategy and a little reflection put participants directly into action. Participants will learn new approaches to SEO strategies for better sales through the eyes of the customer.

Unfortunately, we have decided not to organize a Belgian edition of Friends of Search in 2025. The 12th edition of Friends of Search we are organising in the Netherlands. Belgian visitors are of course more than welcome. Join us on March 13, 2025, in de Kromhouthal in Amsterdam.

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