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Zero Click Marketing: What to do when search and social platforms change the rules

Rand Fishkin

Search engines are taking away clicks. Social algorithms are restricting and removing external links. Over the last decade, every major platform has dramatically reduced the share of traffic they send out. But our teams, bosses, clients, and bottom lines still depend on people getting to our websites to convert… Is there anything digital marketers can do to fight back? Are we merely going to fight over the ever-shrinking scraps Google and Meta deign to throw?

In this presentation, Rand will face hard truths through data, experimentation, and examples of what works (and doesn’t) on the Zero-Click web.

Rand Fishkin

CEO & Co FounderSparkToro

Rand Fishkin is cofounder and CEO of SparkToro, makers of fine audience research software, and indie game developer Snackbar Studio. He’s dedicated his professional life to helping people do better marketing through his writing, videos, speaking, and his book, Lost and Founder. When Rand’s not working, he’s usually cooking a fancy meal for the love of his life, author Geraldine DeRuiter.