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Omoda PPC case: The Profitable Growth Engine

Michel Nienhuis & Fleur Verwijs

12:00 - 12:30

As advertisers are increasingly focused on profitable growth during an uncertain economic outlook, the question becomes how to drive profitable growth most efficiently. Today, we’ll highlight one approach: the profitable growth engine. This is a 3-step plan that revolves around goal setting, first-party data integration (like profit or a proxy for it) and human creativity, followed by media activation (powered by AI) and experimentation. We’ll explain this Profitable Growth Engine using a real-life case with Omoda, describing their challenges and how they switched from a revenue-driven strategy to a profit-driven strategy using first party data and AI.

Michel Nienhuis

Search & Performance Lead, Northern EuropeGoogle

Originally from the Netherlands, Michel joined Google in May 2017 based in Norway. He advises Google’s largest clients and partners with the goal of becoming more advanced in performance marketing and driving better business results. Michel specializes in online and omnichannel bidding, performance and automation strategies, and data activation.

Before Google, he worked hands-on for 5 years with Google Ads, performance marketing and product management in a leadership role at Optimalprint / Gelato.

Fleur Verwijs

Lead Performance MarketingOmoda

Working in one of the quickest moving fashion companies in The Netherlands, Fleur started her career as a social advertising specialist. She quickly expanded her role to become Lead of the Performance team. In the 7 years she’s working at Omoda, she’s seen it all. Always optimizing advertising campaigns, expanding reach throughout an integrated social and influencer strategy and increasing value by starting a retail media program. Now leading a team of 7 specialists Fleur is working on one of Omoda’s biggest goals: profitable growth.